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  • Istituto di Scienze della Vita

SANT’ANNA SCHOOL, University of pisa, university for foreigners of siena and ais announce THEir fourth MASTER “ITALIAN WINE AND GLOBAL wine MARKET” programme. applications deadline is 8 october 2018

Publication date: 20.09.2018
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For the fourth year in a row, Sant’Anna School, University of Pisa, University for Foreigners of Siena and AIS, the Italian Association of Sommeliers, teamed up to invite candidates to submit their application for the Master Program “Italian Wine and Global Wine Market” 2018. The course will consist of lectures, seminars, workshops and presentations. The teaching hours will normally be 400 running every single weekend from November 2018 to June 2019. Assessment will be by written coursework, as well as group or individual presentations.

The Master’s qualification will be awarded on successful completion of all modules, including 450 hours internship. Applications deadline is 8 October 2018. This program, designed to train professionals in wine industry and management as well as Master Sommeliers who can exhibit an exemplary standard of technical skills (theory and tasting), will provide qualified individuals with fundamental leadership qualities to tackle the new international challenges in a multicultural environment. As the result of collaborations between winemakers and industry-leading instructors, the program features wine education and events offering a systematic approach to wine tasting and assessment of quality.

The students, as managers and wine experts future “ambassadors” for the Italian wine all over the world, will raise standards of beverage service throughout the hospitality industry and develop marketable destinations, target a variety of markets (USA, Germany, UK, China, Korea, Russia, India, Africa, Asia and South America) and market segments, and invest in other areas of wine industry. This Master on “Italian Wine and Global Wine Market” reflects the multidisciplinary nature of wine industry through its flexible and innovative curriculum. The programme is taught by academics and experts from a wide variety of institutions and business.